Times Online Reporter:
The new coronavirus is changing the whole world. This virus is changing world politics along with society and economy. The swing has started with who will have the baton to lead the world.
Bipolar world politics began after World War II. On one side was the former Soviet Union, and on the other the United States.The collapse of the socialist Soviet Union centralized the whole world system. At the center of that circle was only the United States. In the last few years, China and Russia have created separate spheres of influence in that circle. Meanwhile, the UN is gradually becoming a toy doll. The company is losing strength and influence day by day. Again, the situation in the United States under the leadership of Donald Trump is not favorable. All in all, the new coronavirus situation is likely to cause an upheaval around the world.The United States has suffered the most as a global superpower due to the coronavirus. There are casualties and deaths, President Donald Trump's many feats have been seen as a blow to the dead. Once he washes the World Health Organization, then again he says to sit at home and take unauthorized medicine. The biggest thing is that the United States has not been able to play an effective role in leading the world in an epidemic situation.
Critics say Trump's "madness" has more to do with it. The United States has lost direction because of him. The country, led by the president, is still struggling to convince the new coronavirus of the "Uhan virus."Meanwhile, China is in a somewhat advantageous position. The initial push of the coronavirus was handled entirely by China. Although the way the country has handled the Corona situation, there are doubts about its transparency. The number of people who are skeptical about the veracity of the information provided by China (concerning the victims and the casualties) is not small. But even then, experts say, China has shown considerable skill in handling the Corona situation.
In particular, the way China has extended a helping hand to various countries since it spread around the world is being appreciated. This is where Xi Jinping's country has distanced itself from the US blame game.
Vladimir Putin's Russia is reportedly suffering from coronavirus. However, unlike China, Russia is not disclosing the details.However, as far as the news has been published in various media, it is known that the situation in Russia is fragile. In the current Corona situation, Russia has completely withdrawn.
In the current Corona situation, there was an opportunity for the UN to play a stronger role. This year's Adeleman Trust barometer shows that many people still have more confidence in the United Nations than in the government of their country. Pew Research conducted a survey of 32 countries last year. It found that 61 percent of participants support the United Nations. But the global agency has lost that opportunity to repay trust in the Corona situation.During World War II, the United Nations was formed primarily to end war and establish peace. But some states are still wary of choosing a permanent member of the Security Council.This year points the 75th commemoration of the establishing of the United Nations. Be that as it may, much after such huge numbers of days, no other nation has discovered the establishing individuals from the Security Council.As a result, it has not been possible for Japan, Canada, India, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia or any country on the African continent to become a permanent member of the Security Council. And the previous superpowers have turned the stick around the world by gaining valuable veto power. But the stick was supposed to be in the hands of the UN.Since Donald Trump became President of the United States, some other organizations like the United Nations have been losing importance. The list includes organizations like WTO, NATO or NPT. Because it has become difficult for these regulatory agencies to work in Trump's various activities. For example, Trump has repeatedly questioned the effectiveness of NATO. Again, bypassing the WTO is a constant occurrence. As a result, the influence of these organizations is becoming very limited. And that is why a leadership crisis is being created all over the world.Meanwhile, China has started packing its own sugarcane to take advantage of such activities by the United States. In 2000, China provided only 1 percent of the UN budget. But now it stands at 12 percent. China now holds the posts of head of four of the 15 specialized agencies of the United Nations. The United States has only one. Analysts say that this is how China wants to take control of global organizations.At the same time, China is building a strong position in regional politics through Asian Infrastructure Bank, BRICS, Belt and Road Initiative, etc. But at one time the United States used to do all this under the martial plan.
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a think tank, said in a report last year that China was making the world safer for dictatorships.
The United States has paid little or no attention to this issue for a long time. Now with more attention, China is not going to be stopped. Just last January, the US State Department appointed special envoys to reduce China's growing influence in various global organizations. As a result, the United States has blocked China's efforts to step down as head of the World Intellectual Property Organization, another UN body, in March.
But as the situation progresses, analysts do not think it will be possible to hold China back for long.
The retreat of the United States on the one hand, the rise of China on the other, and the diminishing influence of the United Nations on the other — these are the three situations in which the middle powers have begun to form alliances among themselves. These middle powers are also aware of China's expansion of power. For example, France and Germany have already taken the initiative to form an alliance among themselves, which has been opened up to other democracies as well. Countries like Japan, Germany, Australia and Canada are expected to join.
Again, after Trump's exit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, other countries under that agreement have begun to move forward on their own. Instead of seeking the help of the WTO, these middle powers are making various bilateral or multilateral agreements among themselves. Japan is an example. Shinzo Abe has already signed separate trade agreements with 28 countries in the European Union and Africa. Other countries are moving in the same direction.This naturally creates the opportunity to build a multi-polar world. It is not possible to predict what the world ahead will be like. But the Corona situation paints a picture of a world where multiple spheres of power can be created if desired. Analysts say only then will it be possible to build a safer world, where the amount of conflict can be reduced.If you want, the UN can also lead it. However, it is difficult to say whether the differences between China, the United States and Russia will allow this to happen. In that case, one or two extremely powerful states will have to snatch the power to turn the stick on multiple alliances of the middle powers. The answer will be found at the time when Corona will hand over the leadership of the world.
The new coronavirus is changing the whole world. This virus is changing world politics along with society and economy. The swing has started with who will have the baton to lead the world.
Bipolar world politics began after World War II. On one side was the former Soviet Union, and on the other the United States.The collapse of the socialist Soviet Union centralized the whole world system. At the center of that circle was only the United States. In the last few years, China and Russia have created separate spheres of influence in that circle. Meanwhile, the UN is gradually becoming a toy doll. The company is losing strength and influence day by day. Again, the situation in the United States under the leadership of Donald Trump is not favorable. All in all, the new coronavirus situation is likely to cause an upheaval around the world.The United States has suffered the most as a global superpower due to the coronavirus. There are casualties and deaths, President Donald Trump's many feats have been seen as a blow to the dead. Once he washes the World Health Organization, then again he says to sit at home and take unauthorized medicine. The biggest thing is that the United States has not been able to play an effective role in leading the world in an epidemic situation.
Critics say Trump's "madness" has more to do with it. The United States has lost direction because of him. The country, led by the president, is still struggling to convince the new coronavirus of the "Uhan virus."Meanwhile, China is in a somewhat advantageous position. The initial push of the coronavirus was handled entirely by China. Although the way the country has handled the Corona situation, there are doubts about its transparency. The number of people who are skeptical about the veracity of the information provided by China (concerning the victims and the casualties) is not small. But even then, experts say, China has shown considerable skill in handling the Corona situation.
In particular, the way China has extended a helping hand to various countries since it spread around the world is being appreciated. This is where Xi Jinping's country has distanced itself from the US blame game.
Vladimir Putin's Russia is reportedly suffering from coronavirus. However, unlike China, Russia is not disclosing the details.However, as far as the news has been published in various media, it is known that the situation in Russia is fragile. In the current Corona situation, Russia has completely withdrawn.
In the current Corona situation, there was an opportunity for the UN to play a stronger role. This year's Adeleman Trust barometer shows that many people still have more confidence in the United Nations than in the government of their country. Pew Research conducted a survey of 32 countries last year. It found that 61 percent of participants support the United Nations. But the global agency has lost that opportunity to repay trust in the Corona situation.During World War II, the United Nations was formed primarily to end war and establish peace. But some states are still wary of choosing a permanent member of the Security Council.This year points the 75th commemoration of the establishing of the United Nations. Be that as it may, much after such huge numbers of days, no other nation has discovered the establishing individuals from the Security Council.As a result, it has not been possible for Japan, Canada, India, Australia, Brazil, Germany, Indonesia or any country on the African continent to become a permanent member of the Security Council. And the previous superpowers have turned the stick around the world by gaining valuable veto power. But the stick was supposed to be in the hands of the UN.Since Donald Trump became President of the United States, some other organizations like the United Nations have been losing importance. The list includes organizations like WTO, NATO or NPT. Because it has become difficult for these regulatory agencies to work in Trump's various activities. For example, Trump has repeatedly questioned the effectiveness of NATO. Again, bypassing the WTO is a constant occurrence. As a result, the influence of these organizations is becoming very limited. And that is why a leadership crisis is being created all over the world.Meanwhile, China has started packing its own sugarcane to take advantage of such activities by the United States. In 2000, China provided only 1 percent of the UN budget. But now it stands at 12 percent. China now holds the posts of head of four of the 15 specialized agencies of the United Nations. The United States has only one. Analysts say that this is how China wants to take control of global organizations.At the same time, China is building a strong position in regional politics through Asian Infrastructure Bank, BRICS, Belt and Road Initiative, etc. But at one time the United States used to do all this under the martial plan.
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS), a think tank, said in a report last year that China was making the world safer for dictatorships.
The United States has paid little or no attention to this issue for a long time. Now with more attention, China is not going to be stopped. Just last January, the US State Department appointed special envoys to reduce China's growing influence in various global organizations. As a result, the United States has blocked China's efforts to step down as head of the World Intellectual Property Organization, another UN body, in March.
But as the situation progresses, analysts do not think it will be possible to hold China back for long.
The retreat of the United States on the one hand, the rise of China on the other, and the diminishing influence of the United Nations on the other — these are the three situations in which the middle powers have begun to form alliances among themselves. These middle powers are also aware of China's expansion of power. For example, France and Germany have already taken the initiative to form an alliance among themselves, which has been opened up to other democracies as well. Countries like Japan, Germany, Australia and Canada are expected to join.
Again, after Trump's exit from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, other countries under that agreement have begun to move forward on their own. Instead of seeking the help of the WTO, these middle powers are making various bilateral or multilateral agreements among themselves. Japan is an example. Shinzo Abe has already signed separate trade agreements with 28 countries in the European Union and Africa. Other countries are moving in the same direction.This naturally creates the opportunity to build a multi-polar world. It is not possible to predict what the world ahead will be like. But the Corona situation paints a picture of a world where multiple spheres of power can be created if desired. Analysts say only then will it be possible to build a safer world, where the amount of conflict can be reduced.If you want, the UN can also lead it. However, it is difficult to say whether the differences between China, the United States and Russia will allow this to happen. In that case, one or two extremely powerful states will have to snatch the power to turn the stick on multiple alliances of the middle powers. The answer will be found at the time when Corona will hand over the leadership of the world.
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